Fisher House Monthly Information for Nevada Veterans Foundation
Month: November, 2018
Occupancy Rate: 45%
Number of unoccupied days (unable to occupy due to maintenance, etc.): 0
Total number of families accommodated: 91
Number of Active Duty families accommodated: 0
Number of Post 9-11 OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated: 5
Average length of stay for Active Duty families: 0
Number of new families accommodated: 40
Number of new individual guests: 80
Cumulative number of families accommodated: 167
Number of families checking out: 87
Number of lodging nights in community hotels funded by 501c3: 0
Average length of stay: 2.36
Number of families on waiting list: 0
Number of lodging nights provided in community hotels funded by VA: 0
Monetary donations received by VA: $3,330.00
Monetary donations received by local 501c3: $200.00
Total fiscal year donations: $6,948.52
Number of hours volunteered: 119.50
Number of Volunteers: 11
Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed: 0
Number of new minor children accommodated: 2
Activities/special events: 11/8/18: DAR presentation; 11/13/18: Breakfast provided by Capital One, Dinner provided by Republican Women’s Club; 11/14/18 WISE presentation, Thanksgiving dinner provided by VFW #12156; 11/27/18: Dinner provided by Jewish War Veterans; Fisher House presentation at Pahrump CBOC; 11/29/18: 1st BBQ with new donated grill
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System__ Month _February 2018___
- Occupancy rate: _64%_______
- Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: _0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: _84_____
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: _0___
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: _4__
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: _0__
- Number of new families accommodated this month: _30__
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: _52__
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: _380_____
- Number of families checking out: _75____
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program: _0______
- Average length of stay: _3.43____
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: _0___
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: _0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: _$10,874.06 _
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: _$119.26__
- Total fiscal year donations: _$39,095.98___
- Number of hours volunteered: _187.75___
- Total Number of volunteers: _12___
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: _0____
- Number of new minor children accommodated this month: _1____
22. Describe activities/special events held during the month: 2/2/18 Girl Scouts volunteering, 2/9/18 FH Open House Celebration, 2/12/18 Dinner by Wells Fargo, 2/13/18 Dinner by Ladies Making a Difference, 2/20/18 Dinner by Lions Club, 2/27/18 Cookies by Silver Sky Assisted Living
Submitted by: Cadie Franco____ ______________ Date _3/13/18______ Fisher House Manager
Rev 10/2017
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System__ Month _January 2018___
1. Occupancy rate: _46%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: _0____
3. Total number of families accommodated during the month: _80_____
4. Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: _0___
5. Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: _3__
6. Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: _0__
7. Number of new families accommodated this month: _33__
8. Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: _66__
9. Cumulative number of families accommodated: _296_____
10. Number of families checking out: _70____
11. Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program: _0______
12. Average length of stay: _2.83____
13. Total number of families on waiting list during the month: _0___
14. Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: _0__
15. Monetary donations received by VA this month: _$5,327.00 _
16. Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: _$346.05__
17. Total fiscal year donations: _$28,102.66___
18. Number of hours volunteered: _79___
19. Total Number of volunteers: _10___
20. Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: _0____
21. Number of new minor children accommodated this month: _0____
Describe activities/special events held during the month:
1/9/18: Dinner provided by Jewish War Veterans; 1/13/18: Town Hall; 1/22/18: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo.
1/9/18: Dinner provided by Jewish War Veterans; 1/13/18: Town Hall; 1/22/18: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo.
Submitted by: Cadie Franco____ Date _2/20/2018_ Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System__ Month _December 2017___
- Occupancy rate: _38%_______
- Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: _0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: _62_____
- Families of Active Duty Service members accommodated during the month: _0___
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: _1__
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Service members accommodated during the month: _0__
- Number of new families accommodated this month: _15__
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: _27__
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: _216_____
- Number of families checking out: _61____
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program: _0______
- Average length of stay: _3.06____
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: _0___
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: _0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: _$2,774.46__
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: _$786.00__
- Total fiscal year donations: _$22,429.61____
- Number of hours volunteered: _112_____
- Total Number of volunteers: _9_____
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: _0____
- Number of new minor children accommodated this month: _1____
- Describe activities/special events held during the month:
12/5/17: Dinner provided by Kat; 12/11/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 12/12/17: Dinner provided by Shadow Hills Church: 12/24/17: Christmas Dinner provided by VFW Red Rock Post 12156;
Submitted by: Cadie Franco____ ______________ Date _1/5/2018______ Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System__ Month _November 2017
- Occupancy rate: _61%_______
- Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: _0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: _78______
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: _1____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: _7___
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Service members accommodated during the month: _1.00___
- Number of new families accommodated this month: _32___
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: _67___
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: _154________
- Number of families checking out: _73_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program: _0______
- Average length of stay: _3.76_____
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: _0___
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: _0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: _$5,289.76___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: _$11,085.00____
- Total fiscal year donations: _$18,869.15_____
- Number of hours volunteered: _161______
- Total Number of volunteers: _13__________
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: _0____
- Number of new minor children accommodated this month: _4____
- Describe activities/special events held during the month:
11/6/17: Dinner provided by Nellis AFB; 11/8/17: CBS Radio Interview for Home for the Holidays donation drive; 11/9/17: Dinner provided by DAR; 11/9/17 & 11/10/17: Home for the Holidays donation drive at Town Square; 11/13/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 11/17/17: Nevada Department of Veterans Services check presentation at Fisher House; 11/23/17: Thanksgiving dinner provided by VFW Red Rock Post; 11/28/17: Fisher House presentation to staff of SW PCC.
Submitted by: Cadie Franco____ ______________ Date _12/12/17_______ Fisher House Manager
- Occupancy rate: _53%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: _0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: _76______
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: _0____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: _3___
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: _0___
- Number of new families accommodated this month: _29___
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: _60___
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: _76________
- Number of families checking out: _66_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program: _0______
- Average length of stay: _3.43_____
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: _0___
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: _0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: _$2,455.87___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: _$38.52____
- Total fiscal year donations: _$2,494.39_____
- Number of hours volunteered: _182.5______
- Total Number of volunteers: _11__________
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: _0____
- Number of new minor children accommodated this month: _4____
22. Describe activities/special events held during the month:
10/2/17: Quilt donation from Lutheran church group; 10/5/17 & 10/6/17: Ice Cream Social by Warriorz of Liberty Motorcycle Club; 10/21/17: Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser at Ardiente Veterans Club; 10/23/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 10/24/17: Fisher House presentation at NW Primary Care Clinic.
10/2/17: Quilt donation from Lutheran church group; 10/5/17 & 10/6/17: Ice Cream Social by Warriorz of Liberty Motorcycle Club; 10/21/17: Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser at Ardiente Veterans Club; 10/23/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 10/24/17: Fisher House presentation at NW Primary Care Clinic.
Submitted by: Cadie Franco____ ______________ Date_11/9/17_______ Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month September 2017
- Occupancy rate: 51%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: 0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: 56________
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 1_____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 3____
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 3____
- Number of new families accommodated this month: 27_____
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 40_____
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: 685__________
- Number of families checking out: 49_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
- Average length of stay: 4.38_______
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 0____
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: $1,200.00___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $390.75___
- Total monthly donations for the year: $50,644.19____
- Number of hours volunteered: 203.25___
- Total Number of volunteers: 12___
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
21. Describe activities/special events held during the month:
9/6/17: Interview with Chuck Baker for his radio show; 9/18/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 9/18/17: Radio interview with Andre Haynes; 9/19/17: Dinner provided by Shadow Hills Church; 9/22/17: Open House for VA Staff, Veterans & Visitors; 9/23/17: Community Open House/Founder’s Day Celebration, featuring UFC fighter Khalil Roundtree, UNLV Cheerleaders & Hey Reb mascot.
9/6/17: Interview with Chuck Baker for his radio show; 9/18/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 9/18/17: Radio interview with Andre Haynes; 9/19/17: Dinner provided by Shadow Hills Church; 9/22/17: Open House for VA Staff, Veterans & Visitors; 9/23/17: Community Open House/Founder’s Day Celebration, featuring UFC fighter Khalil Roundtree, UNLV Cheerleaders & Hey Reb mascot.
Submitted by: Cadie Franco_________ Date 10/3/17___
Fisher House Manager
Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month August 2017
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month August 2017
- Occupancy rate: 48%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: 0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: 73________
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 0_____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 6____
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 0____
- Number of new families accommodated this month: 25_____
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 48_____
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: 629__________
- Number of families checking out: 67_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
- Average length of stay: 3.29_______
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 0____
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: $4,670.00___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $200.00___
- Total monthly donations for the year: $49,053.44____
- Number of hours volunteered: 145___
- Total Number of volunteers: 10___
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
21. Describe activities/special events held during the month:
8/18/17: Interview with Chuck Baker for Nevada Department of Veterans Affairs Newsletter article; 8/29/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo.
8/18/17: Interview with Chuck Baker for Nevada Department of Veterans Affairs Newsletter article; 8/29/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo.
Submitted by: Cadie Franco_________ Date 9/12/17___ Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month July 2017
- Occupancy rate: 26%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: 0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: 57________
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 0_____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 0____
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 0____
- Number of new families accommodated this month: 20_____
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 39_____
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: 556__________
- Number of families checking out: 47_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
- Average length of stay: 2.28_______
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 0____
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: $5,550.35___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $81.93___
- Total monthly donations for the year: $44,183.44____
- Number of hours volunteered: 148.25___
- Total Number of volunteers: 8___
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
21. Describe activities/special events held during the month:
7/10/17: FH presentation to Pain Medicine Service; 7/13/17: FH table set up for Veteran Town Hall Service Fair; 7/14/17: Humana donation event (crochet items); 7/24/17: FH presentation to Surgery Service; 7/24/17: Sun City Anthem tour for potential charity selection; 7/24/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 7/26/17: Dinner provided by ADT; 7/26/17: FH presentation to Fiscal Town Hall.
7/10/17: FH presentation to Pain Medicine Service; 7/13/17: FH table set up for Veteran Town Hall Service Fair; 7/14/17: Humana donation event (crochet items); 7/24/17: FH presentation to Surgery Service; 7/24/17: Sun City Anthem tour for potential charity selection; 7/24/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 7/26/17: Dinner provided by ADT; 7/26/17: FH presentation to Fiscal Town Hall.
Submitted by: Cadie Franco_________ Date 8/14/17___ Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month June 2017
- Occupancy rate: 43%_______
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: 57________
- Families of Active Duty Service members accommodated during the month: 0_____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 3____
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Service members accommodated during the month: 1.66____
- Number of new families accommodated this month: 23_____
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 54_____
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: 499__________
- Number of families checking out: 54_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
- Average length of stay: 3.58_______
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 0____
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: $1,879.96___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $3,079.45___
- Total monthly donations for the year: $38,551.16____
- Number of hours volunteered: 84.5___
- Total Number of volunteers: 8___
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
6/1/17: Delta Master Beta Sigma Phi Tour; 6/1/17: Ardiente Donation; 6/12/17: Dinner by Wells Fargo; 6/27/17: Dinner by Shadow Hills Church.
Submitted by: Cadie Franco_________ Date 7/14/17___ Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month May 2017
- Occupancy rate: 34%_______
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: 62________
- Families of Active Duty Service members accommodated during the month: 0_____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 2____
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Service members accommodated during the month: 0____
- Number of new families accommodated this month: 28_____
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 51_____
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: 442__________
- Number of families checking out: 56_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
- Average length of stay: 2.76_______
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 0____
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: $5,150.00___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $1,521.99___
- Total monthly donations for the year: $33,591.75____
- Number of hours volunteered: 151___
- Total Number of volunteers: 17___
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
5/2/17: Dinner provided by Girl Scout Troop; 5/4/17: Dinner and Game Night provided by Nellis 5/6; 5/12/17: Breakfast provided by Capital One Military Network; 5/12/17: Check presentation from Smith’s Food & Drug Stores; 5/17/17: Fisher House had a table at the VA Health Fair; 5/22/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 5/25/17: Attended scholarship presentation ceremony at Nellis AFB Commissary; 5/31/17: Keyless entry project completed.
Submitted by: Cadie Franco_________ Date 6/15/17___ Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month April 2017
1. Occupancy rate: 22%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: 0____
3. Total number of families accommodated during the month: 37________
4. Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 0_____
5. Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 0____
6. Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 0____
7. Number of new families accommodated this month: 16_____
8. Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 30_____
9. Cumulative number of families accommodated: 380__________
10. Number of families checking out: 34_______
11. Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
12. Average length of stay: 2.84_______
13. Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 0____
14. Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
15. Monetary donations received by VA this month: $2,140.00___
16. Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $547.50___
17. Total monthly donations for the year: $26,919.76____
18. Number of hours volunteered: 85___
19. Total Number of volunteers: 5___
20. Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
21. Describe activities/special events held during the month:
4/4/17: Dinner provided by Delta; 4/17/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo.
4/4/17: Dinner provided by Delta; 4/17/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo.
Submitted by: Cadie Franco_________ Date 5/15/17___ Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month March 2017
- Occupancy rate: 47%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: 0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: 69________
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 0_____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 3____
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 0____
- Number of new families accommodated this month: 29_____
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 59_____
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: 343__________
- Number of families checking out: 65_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
- Average length of stay: 3.36_______
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 0____
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: $1,420.00___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $119.26___
- Total monthly donations for the year: $24,232.26____
- Number of hours volunteered: 43___
- Total Number of volunteers: 5___
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
21. Describe activities/special events held during the month:
3/17/17: Girl Scout Troop 643 donation; 3/17/17: St. Patrick’s Day lunch; 3/20/17: Ardiente Veterans Club selected Fisher House for their annual charity; 3/20/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 3/23/17: G&K Services donated linen service for us; 3/24/17: March Madness donation from Capital One Military Network; 3/24/17: Maria presented to State Commanders; 3/28/17: Dinner provided by Shadow Hills Church.
3/17/17: Girl Scout Troop 643 donation; 3/17/17: St. Patrick’s Day lunch; 3/20/17: Ardiente Veterans Club selected Fisher House for their annual charity; 3/20/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 3/23/17: G&K Services donated linen service for us; 3/24/17: March Madness donation from Capital One Military Network; 3/24/17: Maria presented to State Commanders; 3/28/17: Dinner provided by Shadow Hills Church.
Submitted by: Cadie Franco_________ Date 4/14/17___ Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month February 2017
- Occupancy rate: 48%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: 0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: 57________
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 0_____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 3____
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 5____
- Number of new families accommodated this month: 18_____
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 39_____
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: 274__________
- Number of families checking out: 50_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
- Average length of stay: 3.77_______
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 0____
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: $726.09___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $738.52___
- Total monthly donations for the year: $22,693.00____
- Number of hours volunteered: 61___
- Total Number of volunteers: 6___
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
21. Describe activities/special events held during the month:
2/20/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 2/21/17: Dinner provided by Capital One Military Network; 2/21/17: Presentation on Fisher House to VA Specialty Clinics; 2/24/17: Presentation to Las Vegas WON Rotary Club.
2/20/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 2/21/17: Dinner provided by Capital One Military Network; 2/21/17: Presentation on Fisher House to VA Specialty Clinics; 2/24/17: Presentation to Las Vegas WON Rotary Club.
Submitted by: Cadie Andrew_________ Date 3/16/17___ Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month January 2017
- Occupancy rate: 35%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: 0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: 58________
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 3_____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 5____
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 6.3____
- Number of new families accommodated this month: 23_____
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 44_____
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: 217__________
- Number of families checking out: 44_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
- Average length of stay: 3.02_______
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 0____
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: $900.00___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $1,920.06___
- Total monthly donations for the year: $21,228.39____
- Number of hours volunteered: 72___
- Total Number of volunteers: 10___
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
21. Describe activities/special events held during the month:
1/19/17: Dinner provided by Nellis 5/6; 1/23/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo.
1/19/17: Dinner provided by Nellis 5/6; 1/23/17: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo.
Submitted by: Cadie Andrew_________ Date 2/15/17___ Fisher House Manager
Submitted by: Cadie Andrew_________ Date 1/10/17___
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month December 2016
- Occupancy rate: 39%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: 0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: 50________
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 2_____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 3____
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 7.5____
- Number of new families accommodated this month: 19_____
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 37_____
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: 159__________
- Number of families checking out: 46_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
- Average length of stay: 3.88_______
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 0____
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: $4,419.73___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $100.00___
- Total monthly donations for the year: $18,408.33____
- Number of hours volunteered: 85___
- Total Number of volunteers: 20___
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
21. Describe activities/special events held during the month:
12/13/16: Dinner provided by Shadow Hills Church; 12/14/16: Visit from Congresswoman-elect Jacky Rosen; 12/15/16: Dinner provided by Nellis 5/6; 12/25/16: Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno brought meals and gifts for FH guests.
12/13/16: Dinner provided by Shadow Hills Church; 12/14/16: Visit from Congresswoman-elect Jacky Rosen; 12/15/16: Dinner provided by Nellis 5/6; 12/25/16: Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno brought meals and gifts for FH guests.
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month July 2016
- Occupancy rate: 25%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: 0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: 36________
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 1_____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 1____
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 3____
- Number of new families accommodated this month: 20_____
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 32_____
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: 142__________
- Number of families checking out: 31_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
- Average length of stay: 3.5_______
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 19____
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: $18,961.00___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $6,845.83___
- Total monthly donations for the year: $109,921.43____
- Number of hours volunteered: 27______
- Total Number of volunteers: 5____
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
21. Describe activities/special events held during the month:
4th of July dinner provided by Le Cordon Bleu, 2 additional sponsored dinners from Unity Group and Nellis 5/6.
4th of July dinner provided by Le Cordon Bleu, 2 additional sponsored dinners from Unity Group and Nellis 5/6.
Submitted by: Cadie Andrew_________ Date 8/15/16___ Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month June 2016
- Occupancy rate: 26%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: 0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: 33________
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 0_____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 2____
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 0____
- Number of new families accommodated this month: 10_____
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 17_____
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: 106__________
- Number of families checking out: 30_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
- Average length of stay: 3.76_______
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 16____
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: $7,858.86___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $1,500.00___
- Total monthly donations for the year: $84,114.60____
- Number of hours volunteered: 95______
- Total Number of volunteers: 31____
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
21. Describe activities/special events held during the month:
6/11/16: Volunteer made treats for guests; 6/21/16 Dinner provided for guests by Shadow Hills Baptist Church.
6/11/16: Volunteer made treats for guests; 6/21/16 Dinner provided for guests by Shadow Hills Baptist Church.
Submitted by: Cadie Andrew_________ Date 7/19/16___ Fisher House Manager
VA Hospital VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Month May 2016
- Occupancy rate: 22%_______
2. Number of Unoccupied days due to construction, maintenance, or refurbishment: 0____
- Total number of families accommodated during the month: 35________
- Families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 1_____
- Families of Post 9-11OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated during the month: 2____
- Average Length of stay for families of Active Duty Servicemembers accommodated during the month: 3.5____
- Number of new families accommodated this month: 24_____
- Number of new individual guests accommodated during the month: 45_____
- Cumulative number of families accommodated: 73__________
- Number of families checking out: 30_______
- Number of lodging nights provided through Fisher House Hotels for Heroes Program:0_____
- Average length of stay: 3.06_______
- Total number of families on waiting list during the month: 15____
- Families referred for accommodations in the community during the month: 0__
- Monetary donations received by VA this month: $1,620.00___
- Monetary Donations received by the local 501c3 this month: $8,293.73___
- Total monthly donations for the year: $74,755.74____
- Number of hours volunteered: 70______
- Total Number of volunteers: 5____
- Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed to guests: 0____
21. Describe activities/special events held during the month:
5/5/16 – Cinco de Mayo lunch for guests, 5/27/16 Le Cordon Bleu Veterans Club brought dinner for the guests.
5/5/16 – Cinco de Mayo lunch for guests, 5/27/16 Le Cordon Bleu Veterans Club brought dinner for the guests.
Submitted by: Cadie Andrew_________ Date 6/14/16___ Fisher House Manager
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